df command gives you the information of the disk spaces. It is a very good command for
system administration and file system monitoring. You can also view various parameters
like total number of files in a particular file system and maximum allocated values.
Reducing the space occupied by a file system helps to boost system performance by making
The applications and utilities that use these file systems take lesser time for accessing data,
So constantly running df helps.
Example 1)
df comes various options like -g,-m,-k etc which helps you to view file system sizes in gigabytes, megabytes or kilobytes blocks resp , including t gives total allocated space.
Consider the output of df –gt.
/home/Prod$ df –gt.
Filesystem GB blocks Used Free Used Mounted on
/dev/hd4 0.75 0.35 0.40 48% /
/dev/hd2 5.50 3.68 1.82 67% /usr
/dev/hd9var 4.00 0.63 3.37 16% /var
/dev/hd3 4.62 0.71 3.91 16% /tmp
/dev/hd1 8.25 3.96 4.29 48% /home
/dev/hd10opt 4.50 1.30 3.20 29% /opt
/dev/lv00 0.12 0.00 0.12 4% /var/adm/csd
/dev/fslv00 5.00 0.03 4.97 1% /utilities
/dev/ora10g_lv 15.00 5.18 9.82 35% /ora10g
The output of the command might not look organised in some unix systems.ie: alignment does not seems to be right,
Use awk for help.
/home/Prod$ df –gt | awk 'BEGIN{aa="Filesystem";bb="GB blocks";cc="Used";dd="Free";ee="Used";ff="Mounted on";printf("%-40s %9s %6s %6s %6s %-11s\n",aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff);} {if($1!="Filesystem"){printf("%-40s %9s %6s %6s %6s %-9s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) } }'
Filesystem GB blocks Used Free Used Mounted on
/dev/hd4 0.75 0.35 0.40 48% /
/dev/hd2 5.50 3.68 1.82 67% /usr
/dev/hd9var 4.00 0.63 3.37 16% /var
/dev/hd3 4.62 0.71 3.91 16% /tmp
/dev/hd10opt 4.50 1.30 3.20 29% /opt
/dev/lv00 0.12 0.00 0.12 4% /var/adm/csd
/dev/fslv00 5.00 0.03 4.97 1 % /utilitie/dev/hd1
/dev/hd1 8.25 3.96 4.29 48% /home
/dev/ora10g_lv 15.00 5.18 9.82 35% /ora10g
Now ,that seems to be a much better organised output. Use this in a script and keep an
alias for df command to this script named df.
Example 2)
To constantly monitor disk space you can make a script and run it constantly.
To constantly monitor disk space you can make a script and run it constantly.
/home/Prod$ cat disk-monitor.sh
for Pspace in `df -gt | awk ‘{ print $4}’ | grep –v -e used -e /ora | tr -d ‘%’ `
if [ $ Pspace -gt 80 ]
alarmfunc #call the alarm function.
Example 3)
df is also helpful in knowing number of files present in a mount point.
It is also referred to as Inode. For all all the file system mount points there is a
Inode value assigned which gives the maximum number of files that can be placed in the file system. When the number of files exceed too a large value, you get ‘parameter list is too long’
error with commands that use wildcards as arguments to filename.
Every file has an inode value of 1 and a directory has an inode value of 2.
To see the Inode values along with other attributes,use df –i, and off course with awk filtering.(Use different values before %s for proper alignment)
/home/Prod$ df -i
Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd0 19368 9976 48% 4714 5% /
/dev/hd1 24212 4808 80% 5031 19% /usr
/dev/hd2 9744 9352 4% 1900 4% /site
/dev/hd3 3868 3856 0% 986 0% /tmp
/dev/hd1 56890 23409 41% 2345 40% /home
Here is the number of files present in your home path,which
Is 40% of total allocated value. So periodically archive or remove the unwanted files.
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