Sunday, 29 January 2012


mv  command  moves or renames files  or directories within  the same file system or  between different file systems. you can also do this interactively when you are moving multiple is similar to doing cut and paste in windows,

Example 1)
To  rename a file  or a directory.
/home/yogi$mv   yog_LIST    jeev_LIST
This renames the file from yog_LIST  to jeev_LIST
Similarly a directory  can be renamed.   

Example 2)
To move a file  to a directory.
/home/yogi$mv  sqlnet.log    oracle_logs

Here oracle_logs is a directory.if you want to save the log with a different name,enter
mv   sqlnet.log    oracle_logs/sqlnet_2011.log
In this case  sqlnet.log is renamed to sqlnet_2011.log and saved in oracle_logs directory.

Example 3)
A file,directory  or a   group of files  or directories can be moved to a
destination path,

/home/yogi$ ls  –lrt   CONSIGNMNENT*
-rw-r--r--    1 yogi  Administ           58   Dec   24   00:40    CONSIGNMENT1
-rw-r--r--    1 yogi  Administ              6   Dec   24   00:42    CONSIGNMENT2                               
-rw-r--r--    1 yogi  Administ        978    Dec   25   00:59    CONSIGNMENT3                              

-rw-r--r--    1 yogi  Administ           27   Jul   25   01:00    lst2.txt
-rw-r--r--    1 yogi  Administ           35   Sep  14   09:00   goods_list

/home/yogi$ mv    CONSIGNMNENT*     /ALL_CONS/DOCS

This moves all the entities listed above to /ALL_CONS/DOCS directory if it exists, otherwise the command gives an error
mv: cannot  rename CONSIGNMENT*  to  /ALL_CONS/DOCS, a file or directory in the path does not exist.

Remember that when there are more than 2 arguments to mv , the last argument is considered the destination directory. When there are only 2 arguments, if the 2nd argument contains a  ‘’/”  in it, then  the directory structure must exist.

Example 3)
If you want mv to ask you interactively which files are to be moved, use mv –i.
/home/yogi$ mv  -i    Banks_Draft *    DRAFTS/LIST    

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