find command helps you to find files in a directory structure much faster than ls command for
various options. It can widely be used for getting the list of files in a directory and its sub directories
with a given condition on file time stamp, size, name and so on.
Example 1) Suppose that you want to know the entire directory structure in a
Particular path, then use the find command as follows.
/home/Varsha $ find . –type d
./ebooks/perl/11.Ref and REcs
./ebooks/perl/12.Packages, Libraries, and Modules
./ebooks/perl/13.Classes, Objects, and Ties
./ebooks/perl/14.Database Access
./songs/hindi/songs collection/15 jab we met
./songs/hindi/songs collection/1942 A Love Story
./songs/hindi/songs collection/20 hey baby
./songs/hindi/songs collection/22 jhoom barabar jhoom
././songs/hindi/songs collection/26 let the music play 3++
./songs/hindi/songs collection/Aa Dekhe Zara
./songs/hindi/songs collection/Aap Kaa Suroor
./songs/hindi/songs collection/Aashiq Banaya Aap Ne
./songs/hindi/songs collection/Rockstar
./songs/hindi/songs collection/3 idiots
It seems varsha listens to these songs while her boss is not around .
This command searched all the directories starting from /home/Varsha and displayed it.
Similarly for displaying all the files you can use -type f option. Here the ‘.’ In the command refers to the current directory.
You can use any directory name as the base directory for find to search
To display everything(i:e all
Directories and files) use.
find . - print
Example 2)
You want the output to be similar to that of ls command, use find as follows.
/home/Varsha $ find - type f -ls
244269 33 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 60 Nov 9 23:58 ./ebooks/perl/1.Strings/chapter1
235915 86 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 215 Nov 9 11:26 ./ebooks/perl/1.Strings/chapter2
104841 25 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 554 Nov 9 11:26 ./ebooks/perl/1.Strings/chapter3
104838 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 510 Nov 9 11:26 ./ebooks/perl/10.Subroutines/chapter1
104840 33 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 55 Nov 9 11:26 ./ebooks/perl/10.Subroutines/chapter2
The output you get are the values included in the following order
I-node number
Size in kilobytes (1024 bytes)
Protection mode
Number of hard links
Size in bytes
Modification time
Example 3)
Find also helps in retrieving the files which are a modified n days before or modified after n days. Where n is any integer.
Suppose you want the list of all the files which are modified 5 days ago so that it can be removed after archiving It.
/home/varsha $ date
Fri Dec 23 21:16:06 IST 2011
/home/varsha $ find . –type f -mtime +5 >file_list_5
Then use this file list(file_list_5) to take a tar of the file, or to remove those files and save this file as a copy of ‘which files have been archived’.
Similarly you can use -5 instead of +5 for files modified after 5 days.
Example 4)
to find all the find all the files which are greater or less than a particular size, use –size option.
Suppose you want the list of files which are of size greater than 100kB,use find as follows.
/home/varsha $ find . –size +100c
Example 5)
To find all files which are created after the modification time of a particular file,use find with -newer option.
If you want to list all the files that were created after 2013-05-31 06:25
/home/varsha/$ touch -t 201305310625 test_file
home/varsha/$ ls -lrt test_file
244269 33 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 0 May 31 06:25
To find all files which are created after the modification time of a particular file,use find with -newer option.
If you want to list all the files that were created after 2013-05-31 06:25
/home/varsha/$ touch -t 201305310625 test_file
home/varsha/$ ls -lrt test_file
244269 33 -rw-r--r-- 1 Varsha Trainee 0 May 31 06:25
home/varsha/$ find . -newer test_file
You can verify it by using -ls option.
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